After powering through chapters seven and eight of “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, I wanted to reach out to Allan Powell – who contributed both chapters – to see whether he was willing to clarify a couple of things for me. Mainly, with so many pictures that were not taken on December 14th (according to Powell, of course), I wanted to know when he believed they were taken as well as whether or not there were any photographs in existence he believed were actually taken that day. By forcing him to establish a timeline, I wanted to give him enough rope to hang himself.

Like so many Sandy Hook deniers, Allan’s information wasn’t particularly easy to find. But I was able to locate an e-mail address and I wrote him a short, non-confrontational e-mail. I was surprised not only that he replied, but that he appeared even more clueless than I had expected.

I’ll present the entire e-mail chain, in chronological order. So read from the top down. Powell’s replies are in brown (because what other color would he be?).

From: Me
Subject: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Your chapters in James Fetzer’s book reveal that the pictures you included were not taken on December 14th. Are there any photographs or videos that you do believe were taken on December 12th [note: I meant to type the 14th here, but must have typed 12 as I was anticipating writing “Channel 12”. See update below]? That includes the Channel 12 helicopter footage, etc.

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

I do not know.

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Thanks for the reply. Do you believe that all the staging was done on one day or do you think it took multiple days? If the latter, do you believe that they were consecutive days? It seems as if the primary staging was done in October or November, correct? I just finished reading your chapters and wanted to follow-up with you.

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

multiple. don’t know but probably. yes.

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Thanks. What do you believe was the first phase of staging? And what do you believe was last?

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

who are you

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

I just read your chapters in James Fetzer’s book and I was hoping to reach out to you to flesh out your ideas a bit. I reached out to a couple of the other contributors for the same reason.

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

And who are you

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

You certainly wouldn’t know it if I told it to you. I’m just a reader from the US. My name’s Bill.

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Bill what

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

you are evasive

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Bill Heinz. Again, I’m just a reader. I’m not trying to be evasive, I just figured it was worthless information. You wouldn’t know who I am. I just wanted to know more about your research.

And that was it. Allan became a bit paranoid and clammed up, which is a shame. I do find it fascinating that someone could contribute two chapters to a book on an event in spite of clearly never having fleshed out a cohesive narrative. The authors are openly admitting that they have no fucking clue what’s going on. Hopefully this acts as a warning to anyone thinking of giving the preposterous ideas proposed in this book any serious consideration.

Update 02/10/16: Since I had screwed up a bit and typed “December 12th” when I meant “December 14th” in my original e-mail to Allan, I e-mailed him again (even though he had stopped replying to me before) to clear up any potential confusion. I was once again surprised that he replied. Here’s that exchange:

From: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

Hi Allan,

I just realized I made a mistake in my original e-mail. I asked if you believed there were any photos or video taken on December 12th when I meant to say December 14th. If you don’t mind clarifying for me, it would help a lot.

To: Me
Subject: Re: Allan, a question about Sandy Hook

I don’t know

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