Professional crank James Fetzer and his band of loopy dipshits put an inordinate amount of stock in Twitter posts, citing them multiple times throughout the despicable “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.” In Chapter Five, “Vivian Lee” uses a handful of confusingly time-stamped tweets—produced by a well-known Twitter bug, which I’ve discussed at length earlier—as one of the “top ten reasons Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax.” On page 67, under “4. There was foreknowledge of the event,” she writes:

In addition, tweets about the shooting began before it occurred, a tribute was apparently uploaded one month before the event, and web pages honoring the victims, including a Facebook page R.I.P. Victoria Soto, were established before they had “officially” died.

A lot has also been made of a single, seemingly innocuous tweet from Sandy Hook Elementary principal Dawn Hochsprung’s Twitter account, posted on October 17, 2012, showing the school’s students participating in their annual evacuation drill. Despite looking nothing like the chaos that unfolded less than two months later (which should be an enormous shock to no one, ever), this is somehow supposed to be “proof” that what occurred on December 14, 2012, was actually just a drill:

Of course, this would not be at all noteworthy if the authors had any doubts about the legitimacy of the account, just as tweets from the morning of the 14th could not possibly be considered one of the “top ten reasons Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax” unless they also had total faith in Twitter’s ability to accurately time-stamp user-generated content. With that in mind, Fetzer and his “expert researchers” logically have no choice but to accept the fact that all of the photographs shared by Dawn Hochsprung on Twitter between September and December of 2012 must also be genuine. These photos depict a busy, bustling elementary school, which obviously deals a devastating blow to Fetzer’s absurd claim that Sandy Hook had been closed and unoccupied since 2008—a claim that acts as the foundation for his entire theory (and, by extension, this book).

It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with how these hucksters operate that the book makes no mention of Dawn’s Twitter timeline beyond the evacuation photo. In their attempt to obscure it from their readers, they even cite their own blog entries about the evacuation photo in the footnotes, instead of linking directly to the actual source. For example, from page 96:

Why wouldn’t they provide the URL to the post on Dawn’s timeline as their source? What is it they don’t want their readers to see?

On October 9th, 2012, Dawn Hochsprung tweeted a photo from a “Pathways to Common Core” conference. While this particular image doesn’t give us a look inside Sandy Hook Elementary, the event is corroborated by the November 2012 edition of Newtown Public Schools’ Superintendent’s Newsletter. The newsletter includes the following quote by survivor Natalie Hammond:

“For the past year, Sandy Hook teachers have been focused on increasing students’ independence as learners, expanding opportunities for student discourse, and raising the level of rigor in our questioning. This summer, eighteen Sandy Hook educators participated in week-long Reading Workshop training. Most attended Newtown’s Homegrown Institute in July, and several traveled to The Teachers College at Columbia University. Our faculty also read Lucy Calkins’ Pathways to the Common Core. We are excited to implement all of our new learning in Sandy Hook classrooms and to share our growth with our colleagues!” Lead Teacher, Natalie Hammond (SHS) affirmed the excitement and quality of the Reading Workshop.

On October 18th, 2012, Dawn Hochsprung tweeted a photo showing Sandy Hook students and faculty celebrating the fall season in one of the school’s classrooms:

As well as in the school’s cafetorium:

That second photo is particularly noteworthy because it features both victim James Mattioli and his older sister, Anna, who are circled for clarity:

October 23rd, 2012. A group of Sandy Hook’s older students can be seen gathered inside one of the school’s classrooms:

October 24th, 2012. Yet another classroom at Sandy Hook, filled with students and teachers:

November 6th, 2012. Sandy Hook teachers are seen in the hallway just outside the school library, poring through books:

November 9th, 2012. Arts For Learning Connecticut’s Carnival Trio is seen performing for a large number of students in Sandy Hook’s cafetorium:

November 12th, 2012. A series of tweets documents the school’s annual Veteran’s Day breakfast, which is held in their cafetorium. Previous Veteran’s Day breakfasts are documented in Sandy Hook’s PTA minutes for May 20th, 2010 and December 1st, 2011:

While I’m not 100% certain, the following photo, also from the Veterans’ Day breakfast, appears to show victim Noah Pozner with his two sisters, Sophia and Arielle, sitting directly in front of the camera:

You can read more about the 2012 Veterans Day Breakfast and my (one-sided, in my humble opinion) battle with professional denier Wolfgang Halbig in “Wily Wolfgang Weasels His Way Out Of Another One.”

On November 13th, 2012, students and parents participated in the school’s book fair. This event is corroborated by the November 8th, 2012 edition of The Sandy Hook Connection newsletter and is further evidence that the school was fully operational:

While a bit difficult to discern, a couple of items visible in this photo indicate that it could not have been taken before April 2012:

  1. An “Angry Birds” poster. Since “Angry Birds” was released in 2009, it could not have been available for sale at a book fair in a school that supposedly closed a year earlier.
  2. The following Justin Bieber “Boyfriend” poster is also present:

Bieber’s song “Boyfriend” was released on March 26th, 2012, making it impossible for this poster to have been photographed in the school before April 2012. This is indisputable.

For more on Sandy Hook’s November 2012 Scholastic book fair, click here.

On November 14, 2012, Sandy Hook staff, including Victoria Soto (center), participated in a fundraising event for Adopt-A-Family:

On November 16, 2012, Dawn, portraying the Sandy Hook Book Fairy, read to 1st-grade students in the school’s courtyard:

Hochsprung, dressed as the Book Fairy, was also seen greeting students in the school’s lobby in the November 23, 2012, print edition of the Newtown Bee:

On November 19th, 2012, Sandy Hook’s 3rd grade teachers collaborated with students and staff from Teachers College Columbia University:

On November 28th, 2012, 1st graders were shown preparing for the school’s holiday concert scheduled for December 13th. In the full-size version of the photo, the date of the concert—Thursday, December 13th (which indicates it is 2012)—along with its location at Newtown High School, is clearly written on the whiteboard:

On December 4th, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary teachers were gathered in the library, using a SMART Technologies projector that was not available in 2008, along with an iPad (the first model of which was released in 2010):

Local newspaper The Newtown Bee covered the school’s Appy Hour event that day, providing additional evidence of the school’s operations. You can find a link to the resulting article, which includes a photograph, in “Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Nine: The Library.”

On December 10th, 2012, students participated in a play supermarket, “selling” Pop-Tarts that featured the “Pop-Tart World” branding, which didn’t come into existence until August 2010:

On December 12th, 2012, the 4th-grade choir rehearsed for the upcoming winter concert scheduled for the following night:

Connecticut State Representative John Frey, whose two nieces were members of the school’s choir, tweeted from the concert the following evening:

December 13th, 2012, Dawn Hochsprung posted her final tweet, showcasing a series of books that were not released until 2011:

For more in the “Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open” series, please read:

Part One: The Lobby
Part Two: The Obstinate Pen
Part Three: Holiday Decorations And Calendars
Part Four: SMART Technologies
Part Five: Dawn Hochsprung’s Twitter Feed
Part Six: The 2011-2012 Scrapbook
Part Seven: Children’s Authors Visit Sandy Hook
Part Eight: Charitable Causes
Part Nine: The Library
Part Ten: 92 More Photos From Sandy Hook School
Part Eleven: Over 195 Articles Referencing Sandy Hook School, Written Between 2008-2012
Part Twelve: The Glass Display Cases
Part Thirteen: Google Earth
Part Fourteen: The November 2012 Scholastic Book Fair
Part Fifteen: Sandy Hook School Enrollment For 2008-2017
Part Sixteen: School Documents From 2008-2012

12 Thoughts on “Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Five: Dawn Hochsprung’s Twitter Feed

  1. I post my comment here, not to diminish the import or tragedy of any of your other posts, but because I found this one particularly poignant.

    I just wish to say how outstanding I think your work is.

    Having struggled to understand the mind set of ‘truthers’ for a couple of years, I came across this blog a few weeks ago and read it from beginning to end. I’ve appreciated it as I do a page-turning true crime book. The chapter by chapter take down of Fester & friends is masterful, providing an emotional ride through deep sadness, to seething rage and pure mirth.

    I suggest new readers start at the last page and work through each blog. It’s worth it.

    Thanks again for an amazing read. It’s (partially) reaffirmed my faith in humanity.

  2. I have some things I have not seen addressed yet anywhere else yet..

    So let’s talk about these school photos on the Twitter feed.

    First, odd that this was only used for 3 moths. Not much history but I can see them defend that she just got into Twitter.

    First the “fire drill” tweet has an arched cover area behind the children. I have seen photos for every inch of the school. That photo was not taken there. I even looked by the firehouse, which is a stretch since a drill is always done at the school just as the ones at my building at work.

    Then look at the photo on that is on November 13th. It is clear that was in a taller room. Which means it was in the gym or multi-purpose room. Ther are no other rooms that high. But look at the 2nd window. It’s has crossed panes while the rest do not. This window doesn’t match any in either of those building. I looked.

    Those photos are not in that school.

    The only ouc that looks like it was taken at that school was the one that “Dawn” is in at the entrance.

    Now they say the school was closed due to asbestos.

    Which means it would be unsafe unless in protective gear. So that would explain the lack of legitimate photos cause it would be easy enough to bring in the actors for a few shots.

    Also, can’t get a better school to do this with. Super small town and a school that is not visable on the main road.

    Unless you had children there, you would not pay attention.

    I saw one hoax disputer claim she drove by on her way to work and could see the kids on the playground. Not only is the school not visable from the road but the playground is even in the opposite side from the road.

    And that handicap spot. I doubt a school would have not had that addressed. It was legally required to be specific colors and have he metal post. As it was was a violation. Not likely.

    • Shill Murray on September 16, 2016 at 3:28 pm said:

      “First, odd that this was only used for 3 moths. Not much history but I can see them defend that she just got into Twitter.”

      I don’t think it’s all that strange. An average of 135,000 people join Twitter every day. I personally didn’t join Twitter until about six months ago. I also get the feeling that if she had signed up the previous year, we’d still be having the same conversation.

      Of course “three moths[sic]” (or months) sounds a lot less impressive than the entirety of the 2012-2013 school year. But at the time of the shooting, that’s exactly what it was. I personally think it’s obvious that she had started the account for the benefit of the school, and not to document her personal life.

      “First the “fire drill” tweet has an arched cover area behind the children. I have seen photos for every inch of the school. That photo was not taken there. I even looked by the firehouse, which is a stretch since a drill is always done at the school just as the ones at my building at work.”

      Uh, then you did not look very hard. It’s a structure just behind the firehouse, closer to the school. The most recent Google Street View does not allow you to travel up Dickenson Drive (as it was taken in October of 2014), but you can get pretty close to the location using the Street View images from 2008.,-73.2779819,3a,75y,93.63h,85.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdbw0GqvJ7g4G6eGQEBpO9Q!2e0!7i3328!8i1664

      Also, think about this logically: even if the school were completely condemned (it wasn’t), what would stop them from taking photos outside of the school? Why would they need to take them in another location? It doesn’t make any sense.

      “Then look at the photo on that is on November 13th. It is clear that was in a taller room. Which means it was in the gym or multi-purpose room. Ther are no other rooms that high. But look at the 2nd window. It’s has crossed panes while the rest do not. This window doesn’t match any in either of those building. I looked.”

      Again, you simply did not look hard enough. That picture was clearly taken in the cafetorium. Those are the windows that face the courtyard. I would suggest watching WDMCS_School_Interior_4_of_5.wmv, available on You can skip to around 33:03 and you’ll see those exact windows. Notice the crossed panes, the strip and clock directly beneath it (which make another appearance in the December 12th photo showing the winter concert rehearsal), and its relation to the exit sign and double doors to the right.

      “Those photos are not in that school.”

      They definitely are.

      “The only ouc that looks like it was taken at that school was the one that “Dawn” is in at the entrance.”

      Not even close. The picture from October 8th was clearly taken in the cafetorium (recognizable even without Thanksgiving decorations in the video above); November 6th shows the area just outside of the library; the two pictures from November 9th once again show the cafetorium (this time focusing on the stage), as do the three photos from the Veterans Day breakfast; November 16th is obviously of the school’s courtyard; November 28th shows the school’s music room; and December 4th was taken inside of the school’s library (which has been extensively photographed). The other rooms are a little tougher to identify and corroborate because the crime scene photos and walk-through videos do not show every square inch of the school.

      Now if you’ve truly seen “every square inch” of the school, then those areas should be recognizable to you. But as I’ve already demonstrated, that may not be an entirely accurate statement on your part.

      “Now they say the school was closed due to asbestos.”

      Only hoaxers say this. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true. In fact, there’s plenty of evidence that it is not true, the most damning of which would be the fact that the school was given a 4 (out of a possible 4, indicating that there was “Not a problem”) for “Asbestos remediation” in the Connecticut Department of Education’s 2011 school facilities survey. There’s a link to it here.

      “Which means it would be unsafe unless in protective gear. So that would explain the lack of legitimate photos cause it would be easy enough to bring in the actors for a few shots.”

      What makes a photo “legitimate” in your eyes? Because in addition to what’s included on Dawn’s Twitter feed, I have – on this website – posted literally hundreds of photographs taken in and around the school between the 2008-2012.

      “I saw one hoax disputer claim she drove by on her way to work and could see the kids on the playground. Not only is the school not visable from the road but the playground is even in the opposite side from the road.”

      What am I supposed to do with this? Maybe she was talking about Crestwood. I don’t know, because I’m getting the claim secondhand, through you. But you know Riverside is not the only road that runs by the school, correct?

      “And that handicap spot. I doubt a school would have not had that addressed. It was legally required to be specific colors and have he metal post. As it was was a violation. Not likely.”

      Oh boy. So what? I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on ADA compliance, but I do know that it doesn’t matter much. 83% of New York City’s elementary schools are non-compliant. 83%! And that’s just New York City. The idea that a school or any other public institution cannot possibly remain open while their handicapped spots are not painted the correct colors is just stupid, to be completely honest.


  3. Deplorable Left on February 15, 2017 at 4:15 am said:

    Fake twitter account started only 4 months prior to attack. If you believe anyone died you are a total idiot. This was a staged event plain and simple. Do your reasearch, but avoid this CIA shill site. It’s full of lies. We need a class action lawsuit for inflicting emotional distress on millions of Americans.

    • Shill Murray on February 17, 2017 at 3:32 am said:

      This is such by-the-numbers denier spam that it is nearly indistinguishable from parody. A bunch of insane claims made without any evidence whatsoever? Check! Lazy ad hominems? Check! Accusing those who disagree with you of being “CIA shills” (again, without any evidence)? Check! Telling people to “do their research” while dismissing the extensive, legitimate, and verifiable research done here while debunking the entirety of James Fetzer’s garbage book? Check!

      So the Twitter account was created “only four months prior to the attack”? You mean at the beginning of the 2012 school year? Yes, what strange timing! Surely it would have made much more sense for a sophomore principal to start a school-centric Twitter account in the middle of the summer, while everyone is on break!

      For clarification, just how long does an account need to exist before it’s no longer considered suspicious? Actually, don’t bother answering that, because I know that it’s never enough for nutters like yourself. And what exactly makes it a “fake” Twitter? What proof, if any (you don’t have any), do you have of this claim? Again, don’t bother answering, because I know that it’s none.

      And what about the local papers, who never stopped reporting on the school? That includes 180+ articles and hundreds of photographs published between 2008-2012. So you can’t hand-wave them away by claiming they popped up shortly before the shooting, because we all know that’s simply not true. Let me guess: they were in on it all along! So why did they wait so long to start a Twitter account? I guess they just forgot!

  4. Gwaredd Thomas on December 18, 2017 at 3:32 pm said:

    I’ve been a crisis actor for over 50 years. I can testify that all the coverage on the tele of the Vietnam conflict were faked. I know since I was one of the actors recruited by the CIA to be part of a special team to set-up certain events that were only allowed to be broadcast. No one died in Vietnam.

    My father was also a crisis actor. He was a member of the Welsh Fusiliers who “stormed the beaches at Normandy” but no one was killed, they just fell down to make it look that way. The bombed out German cities were actually paper mache models.

    So, there you have it. Crisis acting has been going on for decades. It’s generally a slow news day so they have to have something to print, right?

  5. Funny how that faked twitter account wasn’t around in 2012 also staging stunts with your crisis actors to pretend that toxic waste dump and destroyed building as evidence by all the footage the day after was feasible is pathetic. Many a researcher already debunked your little run up for the fake school year with the staged school bus bullshit.. BTW the post date damage control faked twitter account of “Hochsprung” aka younger pics of Donna Page. Is pretty slimeballish also retarded. BTW Your fallacious mouth breathing stupidity for your jewish liars is rather appalling. I suggest you crooks cease while you still have a chance.

    • Shill Murray on October 19, 2018 at 9:23 am said:

      BTW the post date damage control faked twitter account of “Hochsprung” aka younger pics of Donna Page. Is pretty slimeballish also retarded.

      Is this even English?

      BTW Your fallacious mouth breathing stupidity for your jewish liars is rather appalling.

      What is with you whackadoos and Antisemitism?

  6. I’m not commenting one way or the other…. But it is
    Interesting that She started her twitter Account in 2012…. She had been working at the school since 2010… So all over her twitter activity is from Aug2012-dec2012.

    I Also Notice her mention an “Annual Veterans Day breakfast” having hard time finding any from previous years.

  7. Pingback: Did The Children Killed At Sandy Hook Appear At Super Bowl XLVII? – Sandy Hook Research

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