With over eighty entries on this site, posted in the order they were written, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start when exploring the conspiracy theories surrounding the Sandy Hook School shooting of December 14, 2012. To make things easier, I’ve created this guide to better organize these entries and help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you’re interested in evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary was open at the time of the tragedy, a chapter-by-chapter debunking of James Fetzer’s discredited Nobody Died At Sandy Hook, or responses to other false claims, this guide will point you in the right direction.

Was Sandy Hook Elementary School Closed Prior to the Shooting on December 14th, 2012?

A central pillar of the broader Sandy Hook conspiracy theory—that the shooting never happened—is the claim that the school had been closed before the tragedy, with 2008 frequently cited as the alleged closure year. The following entries compile my extensive research into this claim and address the two main sources of misinformation fueling it: an alleged absence of “Internet activity” and a mythical asbestos “infestation.” While the evidence in these entries is strong enough to stand alone, they are most effective when considered together.

Fact Checking James Fetzer’s Book “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”

Professional conspiracy theorist James Fetzer’s book, Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, is so poorly researched and riddled with falsehoods that it served as the catalyst for this site. The book was also central to a 2019 lawsuit in which Fetzer was sued by Noah Pozner’s father for fabrications about Noah’s death certificate. Fetzer lost the case, and Pozner was awarded nearly half a million dollars.

Below is my comprehensive fact-check of what may be Fetzer’s most dishonest work yet.

Wolfgang Halbig

Despite his questionable qualifications, Wolfgang Halbig used a resume packed with half-truths and outright lies to establish himself as a leading figure among Sandy Hook deniers. His claims earned him multiple appearances on Alex Jones’ show and allowed him to solicit hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, ostensibly to fund his “research.” Undeterred by debunkings, ridicule, and even arrest, Halbig has become one of the most relentless and harmful harassers of Sandy Hook families.

More Conspiracy Theorists

While James Fetzer and Wolfgang Halbig often receive the bulk of the attention and criticism, they are far from the only individuals responsible for spreading falsehoods about the Sandy Hook massacre. The following entries explore other prominent conspiracy theorists, including several who contributed to Nobody Died At Sandy Hook.

Claims Of Crisis Actors

One of the more bizarre staples of “false flag” conspiracy theories, including those about Sandy Hook, is the idea of “crisis actors” playing multiple roles during or across tragedies. The following entries investigate some of the most popular and persistent claims involving alleged crisis actors.

The Super Bowl Choir

A particularly outlandish conspiracy theory involving the Sandy Hook victims is the claim that some of the six- and seven-year-old victims magically aged three years in less than two months to perform alongside Jennifer Hudson at Super Bowl XLVII. The following entries address this absurd claim in exhaustive detail.

Everything Else

This section includes entries addressing claims that, while they may appear in Fetzer’s book or be promoted by individuals like Halbig, do not neatly fit into the categories above.

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