I’ve pretty much stopped asking most Sandy Hook deniers any serious questions—even ones that might further expose the numerous, glaring flaws in their already shaky claims. Mostly, that’s because the overwhelming majority of them are pathological liars, and I’m not interested in wasting my time with their nonsense. But even more than that, they simply can’t—or won’t—answer them.
“For example, ask someone like Wolfgang Halbig why he continues to use blurry, low-quality copies of Shannon Hicks’ well-known evacuation photos in his near-daily ramblings, and you’ll get a wall of gibberish that doesn’t even acknowledge the original question. Instead, they’ll try to drag you into answering about fifty of their own. This tactic, known as the Gish Gallop, is as exhausting as it is intellectually dishonest. But one question I still ask from time to time—a question no one has dared to answer—is this: if the school closed in 2008, where did its 600+ students go?
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