“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Four
By: James Fetzer

James Fetzer, exploring the upper limits of hyperbole in one of his long-winded blog entries, refers to his warped interpretation of the infamous Shannon Hicks evacuation photos as his “smoking gun”. I’m assuming that he continues to stand by that claim as he’s essentially taken that article, peppered it with a few stolen photographs, and stretched it out in order to fill an entire chapter of his book. So what is it about this photograph that’s so damning?

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Two
By “Dr. Eowyn” aka Maria Hsia Chang

“Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi said (5:45 mark), “The school’s been closed down for God knows how long. [Neighbors] can’t understand why there were kids in that building because it was condemned.” pg. 30

Dan Bidondi, washed up professional wrestler and “reporter” for Alex Jones, one of the most profitable conspiracy cranks on the planet, predictably does not name a single one of these “neighbors”. The fact is that you can find a number of interviews with area residents all over the place, and none of them seem to be even the slightest bit confused by the fact that children were at the school. Certainly if the school had been closed for some time, as Fetzer claims, someone would ask what they were doing there.

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Disgraced former professor James Tracy spends much of this chapter harping on the kinds of errors and inconsistencies frequently found in breaking or early news reports; an age-old problem that has been greatly exacerbated by the 24 hour news cycle. These issues are so commonplace that entire books have been written on the subject, including Howard Rosenberg’s “No Time To Think” and Craig Silverman’s “Regret the Error: How Media Mistakes Pollute the Press and Imperil Free Speech”. If they’re somehow a shock to Tracy, that puts him firmly in the minority.

So rather than spend my time pointing out the glaringly obvious – that misinformation thrives in chaos – I’m going to try and limit my fact checking to claims that are not based solely off of those early, flawed reports. There will be exceptions when I believe they are necessary, or the claims are particularly egregious.

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There’s a surprisingly popular flavor of conspiracy theory, seemingly born and bred on the Internet, that I find simultaneously abhorrent as well as totally fascinating in a way, so it ends up being difficult for me to just ignore it. It’s the idea that mass violence in America – especially in the form of shootings – is non-existent, and that all instances of such are elaborate ruses – “false flags” – played out by “crisis actors” in an attempt to disarm the well-behaved and law abiding public. The Sandy Hook elementary school shooting that took place on December 14th, 2012, in Newtown, CT, is a powerful magnet for these goofball theories, and it was ultimately my most powerful motivation for this site.

While reading a Reddit AMA with James Fetzer, the schizophrenic meatball and lifelong crank responsible for penning the atrocious “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, I realized that it was getting more and more difficult to sift through the unbelievable amount of shit and nonsense (in the form of conspiracy theorist websites). Fantastic sites like MetaBunk and Sandy Hook Facts/Sandy Hook Analysis were out there, but they were being buried by AdWords-rich tripe like… IlluminatiSheeple… UnleashingTheDisinfo… I don’t know; there are just so many of them. And I know one more site isn’t going to bring the appropriate amount of balance, but I can certainly try my best to make sure that my voice is heard by people who may be on the fence about this stuff. People like James Fetzer are a lost cause and I’m not trying to convert them; I’m just trying to make sure everyone else knows these types are completely full of shit and that just because they position themselves as anti-mainstream, they’re no different from every other scam artist trying to make a quick buck off of you.

I won’t limit myself to James Fetzer or even Sandy Hook, but my first order of business will be a thorough, chapter-by-chapter debunk of the awful “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”. It may take a little while, which is why I’ll be doing it chapter-by-chapter (hey, I have other shit to do too), but I may break it up with discussion and debunks of other prominent “false flag” conspiracy theories, especially if a new one arises. And these days, that’s a very real possibility.

Thanks in advance for reading. Please feel free to drop me a line personally if you have any questions or comments or insults, which I’m sure some of you will have plenty of. The comments section will remain open on all posts unless it becomes a total shitshow. Or maybe I should say until it becomes a shitdown, which is an inevitability given the subject matter.