The preposterous claim—which has since become denier canon—that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed in 2008 due to non-existent “asbestos contamination” isn’t based on any actual evidence but has been made purely out of convenience. Trying to explain how the government, FEMA, or the lizard people could pull off a convincing fake school shooting in an abandoned building is already a logistical nightmare, but attempting the same feat in a fully operational school, brimming with hundreds of children, is exponentially harder. Yet whether they allege the school was closed for four years or just four days, Sandy Hook deniers have failed to produce even a shred of proof in the three and a half years since the shooting. This is indisputable.
Meanwhile, there is a truly impressive amount of evidence to the contrary, reinforcing the painfully obvious: Sandy Hook Elementary School was, of course, open and fully operational on December 14th, 2012, when Adam Lanza forced his way in and murdered twenty-six people. The school was not closed in 2008 (nor in 2009, 2010, etc.). Those who persist in claiming otherwise fall into one of three categories: liars looking to cash in, the mentally unwell, or gullible fools. There’s at least some hope for the last group, which is one of the driving reasons for this series—and this entire site—to exist.
As explored in Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open, Part Ten: 101 More Photos From Sandy Hook School, media outlets that typically cover the Newtown area—particularly The Newtown Bee—have written about Sandy Hook Elementary literally hundreds of times since the school was built in 1956. And between The Bee, the Danbury Newstimes, the CT Post, and the Newtown Patch, over 195 articles were written about the school between 2008 and 2012 alone. There are likely many more, but digging through The Newtown Bee‘s archives for the appropriate material proved to be a bit cumbersome, so these results are not comprehensive. Still, in what should come as a shock to absolutely no one, none of these articles paint a picture of anything other than an active, functional elementary school, regularly attended by hundreds of children. Not a single one of them alludes to the school being closed, even temporarily (beyond the expected winter and summer breaks). Not one!
The CT Post wrote about the end of Monroe’s Chalk Hill Middle School (which, as an actual abandoned school, acted as the temporary home for Sandy Hook’s students), and New Jersey’s Marlton Sun recently wrote about the impending closure of the Florence V. Evans Elementary School in Evesham. The Newtown Bee even covered Newtown’s discussions regarding the possible closure of Newtown Middle School back in 2011. So, if Sandy Hook Elementary was in fact closed (and it wasn’t), why isn’t there a single article anywhere detailing the last days of the school? I mean, I know the answer.
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