“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Appendix C
By: James Tracy

At 108 poorly written pages (nearly a quarter of the book!) and comprised almost entirely of out-of-context snippets from mainstream news articles presented in roughly chronological order, disgraced former college professor Jame Tracy’s second contribution to this shitpile – and likely one of the major contributing factors to his dismissal from Florida Atlantic University – still manages to stand out as being the laziest entry in a book full of chapters that were literally copied verbatim from old blog posts. That’s pretty impressive!

Since he doesn’t editorialize much, I’m a bit confused as to what crybaby James Tracy believes actually happened at Sandy Hook. Based on this chapter appendix, I can only infer that he subscribes to a multiple shooter theory… though he also appears to simultaneously accept the “FEMA drill” narrative. And that’s probably for the best, because titling your book (seriously, this is the whole title) “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” doesn’t leave a lot of room for competing hypotheses, does it?

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Appendix B
By: Nick Kollerstrom

I’m not sure why these six pages are included as a second appendix rather than another chapter, but bizarre choices such as this are the least of this book’s problems.

Kollerstrom didn’t have a whole lot of success in his previous outing, completely whiffing on just about every goofy claim that drizzled out of his fingertips, so let’s see if he fares any better here. It’s unlikely he can do much worse, so there’s that.

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Appendix A

So this is it. This is the infamous “FEMA manual” that James Fetzer can’t stop gushing over. I don’t blame you if you find it kind of really underwhelming. Probably due to the fact that it’s an obvious forgery, more so than anything else. But before we take a deep dive into this thing, a little background…

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
By: Nick Kollerstrom

“No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc” pg. 209

No one! Well, except for police, EMS personnel, and parents of the victims. Surely Nick Kollerstrom can’t be surprised that an elementary school where twenty-six people – including 20 five and six year-old children – were violently murdered was not open for public tours… right?

Regardless, if he really wants to see the bullet marks and bloodstains (and he doesn’t, otherwise he would have), he can simply reference the following pages in Detective Arthur Walkley’s crime scene photos:

Bullet marks/damage: 54-61, 404-431, 448-454, 513, 622-624, 626-630
Blood: 71, 73, 365, 386, 392, 393, 428, 457, 473, 475, 495, 622-624, 626, 627, 636, 643, 663, and 665

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
By: Dennis Cimino

This chapter’s author – Dennis Cimino – outs himself not only as an Obama “birther” in his 2nd paragraph, but a particularly gullible one as the claim that the President attended school as “Barry Soetoro” originated as an April Fool’s joke… back in 2009. So buckle in, everyone!

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Eleven
By: James Fetzer and Kelley Watt

When I saw that the title of this chapter was “Are Sandy Hook skeptics delusional with ‘twisted minds’?”, I thought “Great! This will be the easiest chapter yet. I’ll answer ‘yes’ – or ‘yes, of course’, if I’m feeling particularly chatty – publish, and move on to chapter twelve.” But it turns out that there are actual claims being made here. And while the majority of them are simply rehashed from earlier chapters, there are a couple of new ones as well.

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Ten
By: “Dr. Eowyn” (aka Maria Hsia Chang) and James Fetzer

Chapter Ten is an interesting one; not because it finally, miraculously offers up even a sliver of compelling information (it doesn’t), but because its content had already been thoroughly debunked long ago, by Metabunk, by Snopes, by USA Today, etc. And while the same could be said for nearly every other chapter of this completely asinine book, this time the authors openly acknowledge it. And they do so within the very first paragraph! But somehow the chapter doesn’t abruptly end there. Instead, James Fetzer and Maria Chang awkwardly fumble their way through a counterargument that basically boils down to “nuh-uh”.

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Is there a more exciting subject than trees? I submit that there is not.

Throughout Chapter 8 of “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, expert in absolutely nothing whatsoever Allan Powell leans heavily on the premise that the crime scene photos taken both inside and outside of Sandy Hook Elementary School were actually taken sometime in the fall; “late October or early November” is his estimate. “Dr. Eowyn” (aka Maria Hsia Chang) also posits this asinine theory in the similarly ridiculous Chapter 2, “Six Signs Sandy Hook Elementary School Was Closed”.

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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Nine
By: “Dr. Eowyn” (aka Maria Hsia Chang)

It’s been a frustrating yet oddly satisfying process parsing through James Fetzer’s bullshit page by page. So it’s an enormous relief and yet still kind of sad when there’s no real need for me to eviscerate another gross chapter because someone else has already done such a thorough job that it would be a total waste of my time (as well as kind of disrespectful to them) to repeat their work. And in this case, that person is CW Wade from Sandy Hook Facts. CW has done such an excellent job taking “Dr. Eowyn” real name Maria Hsia Chang) up on her challenge and eviscerating the lies in Chapter Nine that I’m just going to direct you to his article on the subject. CW also wrote another article that works as an excellent supplement to that takedown, and you can find that one here.

While it’s probably outside of the scope of his work, it’s a shame that CW did not spend much time talking about just how often the SSDI (social security death index) makes mistakes. In fact, CNN reports that 1 in every 200 deaths are incorrectly entered into its Death Master File. In an article from the Daily Republic regarding 3,000 victims of the 9/11 attacks missing from the MDF, Social Security spokesman Mark Hinkle says, “We make it clear that our death records are not perfect and may be incomplete or, rarely, include information about individuals who are alive,” he said. “Because we do not receive reports for all deaths and cannot release all of the reports we do receive, the absence of a particular person (in the Death Master File) does not prove the person is alive. Our error rate is about 0.5 percent.” Nearly every search engine providing results from the SSDI (or MDF) makes specific mention of this potential for errors. Here’s what Genealogy Bank, which is what Maria Chang used to conduct her “research”, has to say about it:

GenealogyBank updates the SSDI database each week. The updates include corrections to old death records, as well as new names of the recently deceased. If a person is missing from the index, it may be that the SS death benefit was never requested, an error was made on the form requesting the benefit, or an error was made when entering the information into the SSDI.

Next: Chapter Ten