“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Eight
By: Allan Powell
With what will surely be known as one of the most baffling, awful years in recent history finally coming to a merciful end, I figured I’d wrap things up with a (very) short list of the 2016’s biggest cowards, at least according to me, and presented in no particular order:
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“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Seven
By: Allan Powell and Kelley Watt
Let’s say you’re the kind of person who enjoys magic shows. So, you gather up the family one Friday night and head down to… well, wherever it is magicians perform these days. You splurge on front-row tickets and take your seat, ready for an evening of family-friendly entertainment. The magician finally takes the stage and starts things off by pulling a rabbit out of his hat. Sure, it’s an old trick, but the kids are thrilled, and everyone seems to be having a good time.
Then the magician spends the next hour and a half performing the exact same trick—pulling the same rabbit out of the same hat, over and over and over again. You’d be pretty pissed, right?
That’s precisely the situation we find ourselves in with Fetzer and his crew pulling the same tired trick yet again: presenting photos out of order and out of context.
For this chapter’s fact checking, I’m taking a different approach. Instead of breaking it down claim by claim, I’ll address pages (or multiple pages) at a time, highlighting specific sections. This will be much easier to follow if you have a copy of Fetzer’s book (which I sincerely hope you didn’t pay for) as well as access to the files in Connecticut’s final report, which I’ll be referencing often.
Read More →I like to think there isn’t much that slips by me, especially when it’s something this painfully obvious. But as reader Brian Neal helpfully pointed out, I managed to miss a real whopper here.
Read More →When I wrote Part Seven of this series, I mentioned that I was sorting through around 120 additional photographs taken in and around Sandy Hook School between 2008—the year deniers falsely claim the school was secretly closed (while failing to provide even a shred of empirical evidence to support their absurd fairy tales)—and 2012, the year Adam Lanza broke into the school and murdered 26 people. Many of those photographs were included in subsequent entries, while others provided further proof that Wolfgang Halbig is a liar (spoiler: he never paid me).
Even after all that, I still had over 101 photographs left—collected from The Newtown Bee (which conveniently provides photographic metadata for most of their content) and The Newtown Patch—that were a bit trickier to organize. So, this entry will serve as a kind of “dumping ground,” heavy on photographic evidence of the school’s operation but without the structure or narrative seen in previous entries.
Since there are so many photographs, it doesn’t make sense for me to post every single one. Instead, I’ll share the ones I believe are most important or particularly devastating to the claims that the school was closed during this time, while simply linking to the rest. I’ll also do my best to present them in chronological order and include the corresponding articles whenever possible. Photos with no real significance or that contain personal information (there are about half a dozen of those) will be left out for obvious reasons.
Read More →As I continue to sort through nearly one hundred and twenty additional photographs taken in and around Sandy Hook Elementary during the four years that conspiracy theorists falsely claim the school was closed, I noticed a handful of well-known and accomplished children’s authors who generously took time to meet with the students. Since the dates of these visits can be corroborated, one has to wonder whether conspiracy theorists believe these authors A) are complicit in the “hoax,” B) were somehow lured into a convincingly staged school full of children (which was supposedly being used as “storage,” according to the wild claims of some), or C) will just be dismissed as “fakes” like everything else they can’t twist to fit their narrative.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the guests who passed through the school between 2010 and 2012:
Jacqueline Davies
Author of “The Lemonade War”
October 28th, 2010

#10 – “There Was An Emergency Preparedness Drill/Exercise Nearby”
Mentioned no fewer than three times in Nobody Died At Sandy Hook, FEMA’s “Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters” is repeatedly mischaracterized as either a “drill” or an “exercise.” In reality, it’s a six-hour independent study course based on materials from this Save the Children document. While FEMA offers the course online, some state organizations occasionally teach it in a classroom environment—which, for the record, looks a lot more like this:

…than this:

If you have even a passing familiarity with reality, you may notice a couple of differences!
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Part I: “Early Indications Something Was Wrong”
Chapter One: “Medical Examiner: More Questions Than Answers” by James Tracy
Chapter Two: “Six Signs Sandy Hook Elementary School Was Closed” by “Dr. Eowyn”
Chapter Three: “Wolfgang Halbig Goes For The Jugular In His FOIA Hearing” by James Fetzer
Chapter Four: “Shannon Hicks Denies Staging Her ‘Iconic’ Photograph”
Part II: “How We Know Sandy Hook Was An Illusion”
Chapter Five: “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook Was An Elaborate Hoax” by Vivian Lee
Chapter Six: “Even Obama Officials Confirmed That It Was A Drill” by James Fetzer
Chapter Seven: “Fixing A Prop: Furnishing The Lanza Home” by Allan William Powell (with Kelley Watt)
Chapter Eight: “Setting The Stage: Refurbishing The School” by Allan William Powell
Part III: “Futher Proof Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Nine: “No One Died At Sandy Hook: The Social Security Death Index” by “Dr. Eowyn”
Chapter Ten: “Sandy Hook: CT Crime Data Confirms FBI Report” by James Fetzer and “Dr. Eowyn”
Chapter Twelve: “Every Grain Of Sandy Hook: Snopes.com & Plausible Deniability” by Sterling Harwood
Epilogue: “The Nexus Of Tyranny: Tuscon, Aurora And Sandy Hook” by Dennis Cimino
Afterword: “Sandy Hook: Analogies With The 7/7 London Bombings” by Nick Kollerstrom
Appendix A: “The FEMA Manual For The Sandy Hook Drill”
Appendix B: “The 20 Children And Their Homes” by Nick Kollerstrom
Appendix C: “Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline” by James Tracy
Appendix D: “Comparing Murder And Homicide Rates Before And After Gun Bans”
Is there a more exciting subject than trees? I submit that there is not.
Throughout Chapter 8 of “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, expert in absolutely nothing whatsoever Allan Powell leans heavily on the premise that the crime scene photos taken both inside and outside of Sandy Hook Elementary School were actually taken sometime in the fall; “late October or early November” is his estimate. “Dr. Eowyn” (aka Maria Hsia Chang) also posits this asinine theory in the similarly ridiculous Chapter 2, “Six Signs Sandy Hook Elementary School Was Closed”.
After powering through chapters seven and eight of “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, I wanted to reach out to Allan Powell – who contributed both chapters – to see whether he was willing to clarify a couple of things for me. Mainly, with so many pictures that were not taken on December 14th (according to Powell, of course), I wanted to know when he believed they were taken as well as whether or not there were any photographs in existence he believed were actually taken that day. By forcing him to establish a timeline, I wanted to give him enough rope to hang himself.
Like so many Sandy Hook deniers, Allan’s information wasn’t particularly easy to find. But I was able to locate an e-mail address and I wrote him a short, non-confrontational e-mail. I was surprised not only that he replied, but that he appeared even more clueless than I had expected.
I’ll present the entire e-mail chain, in chronological order. So read from the top down. Powell’s replies are in brown (because what other color would he be?).