“Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”
Chapter Seven
By: Allan Powell and Kelley Watt

Let’s say you’re the kind of person who enjoys magic shows. So, you gather up the family one Friday night and head down to… well, wherever it is magicians perform these days. You splurge on front-row tickets and take your seat, ready for an evening of family-friendly entertainment. The magician finally takes the stage and starts things off by pulling a rabbit out of his hat. Sure, it’s an old trick, but the kids are thrilled, and everyone seems to be having a good time.

Then the magician spends the next hour and a half performing the exact same trick—pulling the same rabbit out of the same hat, over and over and over again. You’d be pretty pissed, right?

That’s precisely the situation we find ourselves in with Fetzer and his crew pulling the same tired trick yet again: presenting photos out of order and out of context.

For this chapter’s fact checking, I’m taking a different approach. Instead of breaking it down claim by claim, I’ll address pages (or multiple pages) at a time, highlighting specific sections. This will be much easier to follow if you have a copy of Fetzer’s book (which I sincerely hope you didn’t pay for) as well as access to the files in Connecticut’s final report, which I’ll be referencing often.

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