Whenever I begin to wonder if Wolfgang Halbig has tired from the thrashing I publicly subject him to every time he includes me in one of his absolutely batshit blast emails, he proves that he is somehow even dumber than he seems. Here’s his latest rant, in all its misspelled glory, from just a few days ago::
Read More →Unsurprisingly, I don’t have many positive things to say about serial grifter Wolfgang Halbig, a man who has chosen to spend his golden years spreading egregious lies about the massacre of twenty small children and six adults for profit. But I must admit that I’m legitimately impressed by the man’s zeal for firing off barely comprehensible e-mails, each one dumber than the last, to a large group of recipients who have made it abundantly clear that they have zero interest in hearing his bullshit. He’s been doing it for many, many years at this point, occasionally including me in his very unsolicited mailing list, even though I reply-all to publicly drag him each and every time. While this sort of spam is traditionally an annoyance, I’m actually thrilled that he’s still at, otherwise I’d miss out on absolute gems like his latest bout of binary diarrhea:
Read More →In the first chapter of Wolfgang Halbig’s unhinged manuscript (currently titled “ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTING ILLUSION”… I think), and after complaining about GoFundMe suspending his account back in 2014, the author shares the following screenshot:
Read More →The claim that Sandy Hook Elementary School’s parking lot was not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as such is further evidence that the school was non-operational in December of 2012 isn’t a new one, but it is relatively minor, which is one of the reasons I haven’t pursued it as doggedly as usual. It’s not that I haven’t tried, it’s just that the experts I’ve reached out to over the years – and I like to try and speak with actual experts whenever possible, rather than speculate wildly – never really bothered to get back to me. But I’ve never stopped looking for definitive answers and now, with some help from the New England ADA Center, I finally have some. My persistence – or ability to profoundly annoy, depending on who are you – finally paid off.
Let’s start by taking a look at the actual claims that have made about the school’s lot by some of the usual suspects…
Read More →In what is likely to be my final entry in this series—after nearly seven years, I can’t imagine there’s much more to uncover—I will share various documents that demonstrate Sandy Hook Elementary School’s continuous operation between 2008 and 2012. While some documents have appeared on the site, the majority have not, as they never quite fit elsewhere. I’ve opted not to include nearly one hundred issues of the Sandy Hook Connection newsletter due to the personal information contained within, such as the names and email addresses of teachers and volunteers. Large files that may cause performance issues with your browser will be linked for download instead of being embedded, and sources will be provided when possible.
Read More →Late last week, our old pal Jimmy Fetzer made the bizarre decision to resurrect a particularly birdbrained claim first published on Maria Hsia Chang’s reprehensible”Fellowship of the Minds” back in January of last year. This claim, like many before it, originates with professional con man Wolfgang Halbig and posits that Danbury Hospital posted about the Sandy Hook shooting a full forty-eight minutes before the first 911 call had been received by Newtown Police, proving once and for all (for real this time!) that the event never happened and that Danbury Hospital – like literally everyone else on the planet, save for Wolfgang Halbig at this point – was “in on it”. This is, predictably, absolute hooey.
Read More →In addition to being a bit of a moron, Wolfgang Halbig is also roughly a thousand years old, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that he struggles with even the most basic technology. So when he attached the following image…
…to an email regarding his Chalk Hill shenanigans, I had a few immediate thoughts/questions:
- What in the hell does this have to do with Chalk Hill?
- How in the world does this prove that Lenny Pozner is a “fictitious character”?
- Of course Wolfgang Halbig does not understand Exif data.
In spite of exposing himself as a desperate charlatan at every possible turn, a shocking number of people (i.e. more than zero) continue to give the outlandish claims of perennial wannabe Wolfgang Halbig the kind of reverence they’ve never deserved. Take for example one of his more recent tall tales: that all 456 students enrolled at Sandy Hook Elementary School for 2012-2013 were actually attending school one town over, at the site of the former Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe, CT on December 14th, 2012 (rather than starting in January of 2013). Therefore, at least according to him, the shooting couldn’t possibly have occurred as there were no children or educators physically located at Sandy Hook. Unsurprisingly, Halbig has thus far failed to explain how this new theory fits in with his previous allegation that the school was permanently closed in 2008 as Chalk Hill was still in use (at least as a school; it continued to house the Monroe Parks and Recreation department as well as Monroe Early Learning Center) by Monroe township up until 2011. Of course this isn’t all that shocking as weaving his fever dreams into any kind of cohesive narrative has never been the guy’s strong suit.
Read More →Choosing the most batshit insane component of the thoroughly preposterous and downright repulsive Sandy Hook hoax theory is a challenge for any sane, rational person. The options are endless, and they’re all so, so dumb. Here are just a couple of highlights:
- It was a real shooting, but carried out by “Mossad death squads.” This gem comes courtesy of Nobody Died At Sandy Hook author James Fetzer, who originally floated the idea in an article on the Russian propaganda site Veterans Today. Fetzer later abandoned the theory—probably because it wasn’t outrageous enough to stretch into a full-length book.
- Adam Lanza never existed, and all photos of him are just doctored images of H.P. Lovecraft. I swear I’m not making that up. You can Google it if you don’t believe me.
For me, though, the clear winner in this competition of lunacy is the profoundly stupid claim that some of the victims—or, as the theory goes, the child actors who played them (before conveniently disappearing forever)—magically aged five years in two months to perform alongside Jennifer Hudson at Super Bowl XLVII. Top to bottom, it’s bonkers. But coming in at a close second is another absurdity, equally riddled with logical gaps large enough to drive a couple of bucket-wheel excavators through: the claim that David Wheeler, father of six-year-old victim Benjamin Wheeler, played the dual roles of grieving father and FBI Special Agent on the day of the shooting.
Read More →The claim that no one died at Sandy Hook School on December 14, 2012, and that it was all just a “drill,” is a logistical nightmare of epic proportions—most of which conspiracy theorists conveniently hand-wave away. However, one particularly ludicrous issue they’ve tried to “solve” is this: What happened to the twenty young victims? Where did they go? If they’re all still alive, why hasn’t anyone seen them in the nearly six years since the shooting?
Enter the Super Bowl XLVII theory, where these geniuses confidently assert that the victims weren’t just hidden away but actually performed at the largest sporting event in the United States—as part of a children’s choir with Jennifer Hudson. Yes, really.
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