I’ve pretty much stopped asking most Sandy Hook deniers any serious questions—even ones that might further expose the numerous, glaring flaws in their already shaky claims. Mostly, that’s because the overwhelming majority of them are pathological liars, and I’m not interested in wasting my time with their nonsense. But even more than that, they simply can’t—or won’t—answer them.

“For example, ask someone like Wolfgang Halbig why he continues to use blurry, low-quality copies of Shannon Hicks’ well-known evacuation photos in his near-daily ramblings, and you’ll get a wall of gibberish that doesn’t even acknowledge the original question. Instead, they’ll try to drag you into answering about fifty of their own. This tactic, known as the Gish Gallop, is as exhausting as it is intellectually dishonest. But one question I still ask from time to time—a question no one has dared to answer—is this: if the school closed in 2008, where did its 600+ students go?

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Despite having been debunked, discredited, and publicly humiliated so many times that those of us without an advanced degree in mathematics have lost count, bloated carny Wolfgang Halbig is somehow still out there (as opposed to locked up in a loony bin somewhere), doing his thing, shamelessly exploiting the slaughter of twenty small children and seven adults in a sad and fruitless attempt to be finally recognized as someone important (oh, and of course raise over $100,000 in the process).

One of Wolf’s favorite methods of disseminating his barely-literate and unhinged gobbledygook is an e-mail list that he’s compiled using the (unsolicited) e-mail addresses of anyone who has ever contacted him. I know this because I inexplicably found myself included in the list after asking him – sometimes politely and other times not so much – for my $1,000. So I now have the extreme privilege of witnessing his slide into what I have to assume is dementia first-hand. And while Wolfgang spam is one of the last things I want to see upon opening my inbox, it does allow me to debunk his bullshit that much faster. Which – wouldn’t you know it – brings us to today.
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With what will surely be known as one of the most baffling, awful years in recent history finally coming to a merciful end, I figured I’d wrap things up with a (very) short list of the 2016’s biggest cowards, at least according to me, and presented in no particular order:
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If we set aside our better judgment and continue indulging the wild-eyed conspiracy theorists, con men, and criminals that make up the Sandy Hook denialist cult—by respecting their claim that the school was closed between 2008 and 2012 (despite not a shred of evidence)—we stumble upon yet another point of interest: the numerous glass display cases in the school’s lobby. Throughout the years, there were typically 3 to 6 of these cases. Most were tall, vertical cabinets just inside the main entrance, often along the front window that Adam Lanza shattered to gain entry. There was also a museum-style table display, moved around depending on what was featured, and a built-in wall display near the office and west hallway.

What’s consistent across all of them (aside from the obvious) is that, in photos published by The Newtown Bee, the Newtown Patch, and the school’s own website (all included below), the contents of these cases change frequently, further proving the presence of normal student activity. Unless, of course, you still believe that secret agents spent four years meticulously decorating a supposedly abandoned school with current magazines, new children’s books, state-of-the-art technology, and pizza—all for some photos most people will never see. That’s what people like James Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, and Maria Hsia Chang would have you believe: that a school “infested with asbestos” and supposedly used as storage was secretly outfitted with all of these things—just to pull off an elaborate hoax.

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For some context, please see this post by CW Wade over at Sandy Hook Facts.


I recently saw a video in which you made a number of ridiculous, patently false claims regarding the Sandy Hook shooting and its aftermath. A number of these claims revolved around the availability (or alleged lack thereof, I suppose) of the victims death certificates. These claims are nothing new and were debunked years ago, so I was a bit surprised when I discovered that this video was relatively new. As a self-professed reporter (and please correct me if you have any sort of formal training in this field) affiliated with a popular Internet “news” program, I would have guessed that you would be a bit embarrassed by this misstep and eager to correct your mistake once you learned the facts, but apparently that is not the case. As of today, it doesn’t appear as if you have issued a retraction. It’s almost as if you’re not actually interested in the truth. Again, please correct me if anything I’m saying here is off-base. After all, this is just hearsay.

So what I’d like to do is extend a challenge to you: I – as a private citizen – will attempt to order a yet-to-be-determined number of the victims death certificates, from the town of Newtown, at $20 a piece. You have made the claim that this is impossible; a “felony”, I believe it is you said. If I am successful, you must donate the cost of those certificates (again, $20 for each one ordered) to the charity of my choosing. For example, if I successfully order and receive five death certificates from Newtown, then you are to donate $100. If I fail, I will donate a $300 flat fee to the charity of your choosing. And if you’re not a particularly charitable guy, I’ll even allow *ahem* “legal funds”, such as the one Wolfgang Halbig claims to have started for Jonathan Reich. Of course, if you are right and obtaining these death certificates is a felony, you won’t receive any money… because I will be in jail.

So what say you? Are you brave enough to put your money where your mouth is? Will you man up, accept the truth (which I fully understand isn’t as attractive to your audience), and issue a retraction (unlikely as I don’t believe InfoWars has ever issued a single one)? Or will you do what I fully expect of you and ignore this altogether? The latter certainly wouldn’t surprise me as Wolfgang Halbig has owed me $1,000 for months after I called his bluff and accepted (and met) one of his challenges. He won’t even respond to my e-mails at this point. Speaking of Wolfgang, are you sure that this is the kind of guy you want to get your information from? He’s barely literate and a known, exposed liar. You may want to look into the time he wanted to purchase dowsing rods for an entire school district, believing they would help him locate guns and drugs. James Randi ultimately had to talk some sense into him. Or look into the time he claimed to be Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal driver. That one’s a real hoot.

I’ll be posting this letter on my blog (feel free to check it out if you’re into actual research) and while I won’t hold my breath, I certainly do hope you will consider taking me up on my challenge. It’s a great opportunity to expose the truth – the real truth – and raise some money for charity. I am a man of my word and will do whatever is necessary to make good on my end of the deal.


Shill Murray (not my real name, BTW)

Perhaps, maybe for the first time in this site’s ten month history, I rushed a post. “Debunking Claims Made About The Child Victims Of Sandy Hook”, to be specific (thought I still recommend you read that one first). While it still took me a handful of days to get everything just the way I wanted it (larger entries – such as the full chapter debunks – can take me weeks), the end result would have been significantly better had I waited just a little while longer.
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Maybe you don’t read all of my posts. I don’t know, and I’m not about to tell you how to read blogs. Maybe you’re busy! But if you do have a tendency to jump around a bit, maybe you skipped right over my June 13th, 2016 entry, titled “Dust Your Checkbook Off, Wolfgang”. If so, let me get you up to speed: self-professed school, gay nightclub, and whatever else now expert Wolfgang Halbig has for years offered up a number of cash rewards, ranging from anywhere between $1,000 to $10,000, in exchange for very specific photographs from Sandy Hook Elementary School. “Easy money”, according to Halbig. But of course these rewards are entirely fictitious; extensively advertised (but never delivered) in a transparent bid to bolster his credibility. After all, who would dare to offer up such substantial rewards – even if they were presumably taken from the six figure sum he’s somehow managed to earn in donations – unless they were absolutely certain that no one could possibly claim them? Or at least I assume that’s the logic behind it. But the truth is that this trick, much like Halbig’s entire carny routine, is as old as time (thanks to Stephen Tobey on Facebook for the great read).

Halbig has offered up one such mythical reward a number of times on his personal Facebook page, placing a $1,000 bounty on pictures from Sandy Hook’s 2012 Veteran’s Day breakfast:

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When I wrote Part Seven of this series, I mentioned that I was sorting through around 120 additional photographs taken in and around Sandy Hook School between 2008—the year deniers falsely claim the school was secretly closed (while failing to provide even a shred of empirical evidence to support their absurd fairy tales)—and 2012, the year Adam Lanza broke into the school and murdered 26 people. Many of those photographs were included in subsequent entries, while others provided further proof that Wolfgang Halbig is a liar (spoiler: he never paid me).

Even after all that, I still had over 101 photographs left—collected from The Newtown Bee (which conveniently provides photographic metadata for most of their content) and The Newtown Patch—that were a bit trickier to organize. So, this entry will serve as a kind of “dumping ground,” heavy on photographic evidence of the school’s operation but without the structure or narrative seen in previous entries.

Since there are so many photographs, it doesn’t make sense for me to post every single one. Instead, I’ll share the ones I believe are most important or particularly devastating to the claims that the school was closed during this time, while simply linking to the rest. I’ll also do my best to present them in chronological order and include the corresponding articles whenever possible. Photos with no real significance or that contain personal information (there are about half a dozen of those) will be left out for obvious reasons.

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