While I have been primarily focused on debunking the steaming hot horseshit spouted by professional grifters like Wolfgang Halbig and Jim Fetzer—individuals who have tirelessly positioned themselves as the leaders of the Sandy Hook conspiracy movement and turned it into a lucrative side hustle in the process—I’m here to tell you that even total nobodies can absolutely get it too. I am an equal opportunity debunker, time permitting. And today, my friends, time permits.
This shouldn’t be news to anyone, but Facebook is a cesspool, and this site’s minimal presence there is a necessary evil. After all, if you want to refute nonsense, you have to go where the nonsense is. And Facebook is awash in it. Much like this site, I’ve always allowed anyone to comment on our Facebook page, as long as it’s on-topic, civil-ish, and made in good faith. Violators are unapologetically banned, only occasionally without warning. Truthfully, while there are exceptions, this policy almost always results in wasted time for me, as the majority of Sandy Hook deniers are wholly incapable of behaving themselves for any length of time. The latest example of this is from one “Andy Christensen,” who started off innocuously enough by asking the profoundly stupid question, “How many died at Sandy Hook?” It was only downhill from there as he continued to spam the comment section of the post advertising my free eBook, “‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’ Is Bullshit, and the People Who Wrote It Are Liars,” with absolute nonsense. Behold:
Now you want me to asnwer rheotocal questions. Forget it.
He could not have fired those shots in the environment, given the narrative that he was 20 years old, 6 foot tall and a mere 112 pounds (morbidly anorexic without the ability to conduct such an event let alone the deafening action of the stated firearms) .
Not ONE (and I repeat, not one) EMS ever made it to the scene and ALL EMS vehicles were completely sealed off and unable to move from their parking spots. Not one parent ever tried to go to the school and simply walked aroud the fire station aimlessly in and out , in and out of the building..Tere wasn’t even any yellow tape separating the crowd from the sceen… NOTHING NOTHING went as any crime scene spuld have happened. Every protocol practiced for decades in police, forensic and media services was destroyed…
These questions you are asking me, are Not to seek information. A sheeple never asks questions to learn, they only ask questions to stop the discussion…
All spelling and grammatical errors belong to Andy, by the way. I’ve been accused of making the deniers who engage with me look dumber than they are, but as you can see, they very rarely need my help.
I did reply to this Gish gallop on Facebook, but after rapid-fire replies to other commenters, Andy suddenly didn’t have much more to say. I wonder why that is. So I’m also responding here, not so much for Andy’s benefit (as he’s clearly too far gone at this point), but to demonstrate just how effortlessly and shamelessly these people lie about the murder of small children.
Claim #1:
He could not have fired those shots in the environment, given the narrative that he was 20 years old, 6 foot tall and a mere 112 pounds (morbidly anorexic without the ability to conduct such an event let alone the deafening action of the stated firearms) .
This is obviously highly subjective speculation, easily disproven by the fact that he did, in fact, fire those shots, many of which were fired while standing in one place, directly in front of the bathroom in room 8, as seen in the bullet mapping included in the final report:

While Adam was diagnosed with anorexia post-mortem (there is no such thing as “morbidly anorexic”), there is absolutely no evidence that suggests someone with anorexia is physically incapable of spending a few minutes firing an AR-15. This is especially true for someone known to play “Dance Dance Revolution” for an incredible four to ten hours a day, six days a week. From page thirty-two of the State’s Attorney’s report on the shooting:

This isn’t just one of his only friends saying this; there are multiple videos of it as well. I’ve obtained six such videos through FOIA requests, with these two clearly showing the killer’s face (because you just know some goofball is going to try and claim it’s not him):
Here’s another video of him playing DDR at what is unmistakably the AMC theater in Danbury, CT, filmed mere months before the shooting. Somehow, it was posted to YouTube, although they wouldn’t let me upload the preceding two videos for “glorifying violence”:
Just in case it wasn’t obvious from watching the above, the State’s Attorney’s report continues:

The idea that this same person, who was known to have the stamina to play such a physically demanding game for four to ten hours at a time without appearing winded, could not fire a 6.25 lb. rifle for a less than five minutes is nothing short of preposterous. As for the claim that the act would have been “deafening,” I’d argue nobody really gives much of a shit about their hearing when they plan on dying, but that’s why he wore earplugs, numbnuts:

These earplugs are mentioned numerous times throughout the final report and almost certainly came from the empty Peltor “Blasts” box (take a wild guess as to what those are designed for) seen sitting on Adam’s computer desk in the crime scene photos:

A quick Google search confirms these particular earplugs are the yellow/neon green color described by multiple police and other first responders.
Claim #2:
Not ONE (and I repeat, not one) EMS ever made it to the scene
What a whopper this is. Even the laziest review of the final report quickly exposes this lie. Matthew Cassavechia, the Director of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for Danbury Hospital, along with two other paramedics (Reed and Meehan), were escorted into the school by Sgt. Cario:
I told Cassavechia I would bring himself, Paramedic Bernie Meehan, and Paramedic John Reed into the front of the school, which was secured by that point. They were told to bring minimal equipment. As we walked to the school I tried to prepare them for what they were about to see. I told them of the number of victims and the nature of the wounds. I told Cassavechia, “This will be the worst day of your life.” We entered at the northeast comer of the building and I announced their presence. I walked them west down the corridor and brought them to Room #8. They were told the locations of the victims and several troopers were assigned to remain with them for
Sgt. William Cario, 00026724.pdf
cover as well as to protect the integrity of the scene.
Sgt. Cario, by the way, is a veteran EMT himself:
Stepping out of Room #8, I observed that rooms to the east were being evacuated and that there were police officers in both directions. I decided that my services were best utilized if I worked in an EMS capacity as others worked to clear the building. (I have been active in EMS rescue associations and have held the certification of EMT or EMT Intermediate for more than 32 years).
Sgt. William Cario, 00026724.pdf
Sgt. Cario also describes encountering Connecticut State Police detective Patrick Dragon, yet another EMT, once inside the school:
As I was bandaging the woman’s hand CSP Detective Patrick Dragon entered and identified himself as an EMT. He asked for gloves and I directed him to the first aid kit.
Sgt. William Cario, 00026724.pdf
Claim #3:
ALL EMS vehicles were completely sealed off and unable to move from their parking spots.
Laurie Veillette, an EMT, describes driving her ambulance from the staging area to Danbury Hospital—something that would have been impossible if she were “completely sealed off” and “unable to move”:
Veillette stated that once at the staging area, the first ambulance with the Paramedic in it was called up to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES)… Veillette stated that Danbury Hospital knew they were coming and as soon as they arrived at the hospital the boy and adult victim were taken right away.
Veillette stated that they then left and while en route back to the scene she cleaned up a significant amount of blood that was in the back of the ambulance. Veillette stated that when she returned to the scene she took over transport command, where she saw an adult female victim who had been shot in the foot sitting in triage. Veillette stated that she had the woman transported to Bridgeport Hospital by Storms Ambulance. Veillette stated around noon she confirmed with EMS Command that only three (3) ambulances need to stand by at the scene, so two (2) AMR rigs left the scene and went to Newtown Ambulance to cover the town of Newtown. Veillette stated that Redding and Oxford Ambulances were retained and the others left the scene.
Laurie Veillette, 00019274.pdf
Here’s Kenneth Lerman, a First Responder with the Newtown Ambulance Corps, with a similar story:
While in route to the church we were redirected to stage at the Sandy Hook Fire House. While staged we spiked a bag. A short time later a State Police car came up Dickerson Drive at a high rate of speed and stopped in front of the ambulance. In the front passenger seat was a female with a bandage covering her right calf and a bandage on her hand. The fingers of both hands were blood stained. She was initially placed on a cot and put into the ambulance. While treating her, a second patient was brought into the ambulance. The second patient, a male child, had injuries [redacted]. The first patient was transported to the front seat and the second was placed on the cot. The paramedic, Dan, had told me to start the drive to Danbury Hospital. While in route the hospital was notified the number and condition of the patients. Care was turned over to Danbury Hospital Emergency Staff with a brief report so we could return to service.
Kenneth Lerman, 00256435.pdf
Two ambulance drivers, both able to freely move from the staging area at the firehouse to area hospitals. Another flat-out lie. Andrew is, predictably, 0-3 thus far.
Claim #4:
Not one parent ever tried to go to the school and simply walked aroud the fire station aimlessly in and out , in and out of the building
For the most part, police arrived before parents and were able to effectively control the crowd. Because that’s what they do. Even then, there were multiple reports of parents attempting to enter the school, which is why they detained Christopher Manfredonia:
The white male had short brown hair he appeared to be in his early forties wearing a navy blue or black tweed type jacket. He stated he was a parent trying to get his child.
Tfc. Paul Lukienchuk, –1.pdf
Another one:
As this Detective approached TFC Keene, a parent came running up and attempted to bypass this Detective. The parent was stopped and apologized, stating that he was just scared for the safety of his children.
Tfc. Rachael Van Ness, 00001113.pdf
I’m sure there are more sprinkled throughout the final report, but the claim was “not one,” and yet here are two that I was able to quickly dig up.
Claim #5:
Tere wasn’t even any yellow tape separating the crowd from the sceen
As mentioned numerous times throughout the final report, the police (arguably more effective than plastic tape), along with the fire department, did their jobs and established a perimeter around the school:
My initial responsibilities were to assist with scene security, specifically keeping the media outside of the established perimeter, located at the firehouse at the corner of Riverside Road and Dickinson Drive, in the Town of Newtown
Trp. Dennis Picheco, 00006845.pdf
Upon arrival, I was assigned by the Command Post Supervisor to cover a post in the front of the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department to keep media and other non authorized personnel from entering the State Police perimeter.
Tfc. Albert Gorski, 00006865.pdf
10:29:05 Fire Department establishes a perimeter of cones to keep bystanders back
Parents can be seen walking around the parking lot outside the perimeter set up by the fire department.
I later was tasked by State Police supervisors to perform perimeter security with Trooper Bombace #421 on the wood line surrounding the school until approximately 1830 hours.
Trp. Ryan Slaiby, 00040013.pdf
As I approached the school, it was apparent to me that a perimeter was set up with police officers from various departments. At that time, I observed several frantic adults in the school parking lot, who I assumed where parents of children inside the school, attempting to get close to the school. I assisted with keeping the adults away from the school.
Trp. Dawn Taylor, 00008959.pdf
Several evacuees were led to my position and with the assistance of an unidentified male civilian, fed the evacuees away, maintained a perimeter to protect family members arriving, from breaching the perimeter and maintained scene security throughout. After an unknown amount of time elapsed, I moved my position to an area where Sgt Deltorto #1 01 ·had begun to assist school staff in an orderly evacuation taking place on the south side of the school and down the sidewalk toward the Fire Department. Once the evacuation was completed, I moved my position to the area of the Fire Department where the perimeter had been extended.
Tfc. Dennis Keane, 00013196.pdf
There’s more where that came from, but if Andy really needs to see some flimsy yellow tape stretched across the school’s parking lot, acting as the impenetrable barrier he believes it is, he wouldn’t even have to read anything—he just needs to review the helicopter footage from that morning:

Or this photo:

There was also more tape blocking off the front entrance to the school:
I went back to my post until two CT DEEP officers relieved me. I then was assigned to put crime scene tape blocking off the entrance to the school and around the Honda Civic.
Ofc. William Hull, 00002101.pdf

While these Sandy Hook deniers are incapable of learning anything—if they were, they wouldn’t be asking the same stupid questions after nearly twelve years—let this be a lesson: if you run your mouth enough on my Facebook page, lying about that day’s mostly six-year-old victims for clout or whatever it is you boneheads are after, I’ll be more than happy to set aside some time to let you know what a gullible nitwit you are. No fish is too small.
As for Andy, I’m sure he’s busy somewhere lacing up his cleats, preparing to move those goalposts.
Another great post Murray. I guess the main problem is that there is still no direct evidence the massacre really happened. Worse, the Sandy Hook parents were VIP guests at the Boston Marathon a few months later and the Boston Marathon bombing has been exposed as a totally staged event performed by actual crisis actors, as you probably already know (otherwise just watch the Boston Unbombing documentary). So Sandy Hook most likely was a staged event, too.
I greatly appreciate the work you have done to debunk this insidious conspiracy theory. I spend a good deal of time battling conspiracy theories on social media and the work you have done here is truly amazing. Lately been seeing more references to the conspiracy theories about this horrible crime on TikTok which is also a cesspool for conspiracies and misinformation. I appreciate your efforts.
Thank you – I appreciate it and I appreciate you fighting the good fight. Keep at it, even if it seems more hopeless than ever.
As pointed out in a previous (suppressed?) comment: Sandy Hook parents were VIP guests at the 2013 Boston Marathon and the Boston Marathon bombing has been exposed as a totally staged event performed by real crisis actors as shown in the Boston Unbombing documentary. So….?
When was the Boston Marathon bombing exposed as a hoax?
If it were it would have been the story of the century. People at the highest levels of government would have gone to prison.
To the best of my knowledge none of that happened.
I’m Shill’s guest here so I can’t say what I really want to say, but please, seek professional psychiatric help.
It was exposed within days, but best watch the Boston Unbombing documentary as it is very detailed. I’ll accept your apologies later. Guys like you still have a lot to learn.
Murray, why do you keep censoring my comments referring to the staged 2013 “Boston bombing” and the “Boston Unbombing” documentary? I highlighted that Sandy Hook parents were VIP guests at the 2013 Boston Marathon…
Hi Richard,
I’m not “censoring” anything. All your comments are still here, in their unedited state, simply awaiting approval. The site’s comment policy is outlined in our comment policy, which can be found just above the comments section for every entry. It’s the thing you scroll past to leave a comment. This site uses the WordPress default configuration, which is to leave all comments from new, previously unapproved commenters in a “pending” state until they can be manually approved (or deleted). The alternative is to publish all comments from everyone automatically, and I’d be a fool to allow such a thing on any site in this day and age, let alone one with such a controversial subject. Additionally, I have a normal job and other things occupying much of my time, so I do not hover over the site waiting for new comments that require my approval. I check when I can, on an admittedly inconsistent schedule. That is why your comments have not appeared on the site yet, or at least it’s one of the reasons. The other would be, and this may be clearer if you read the comment policy, your comments are arguably not “on topic.” They may relate to Sandy Hook, but comments should be relevant to the entry or article they’re being left on, beyond just relating to Sandy Hook at large. This is to prevent comment sections from becoming a hodgepodge of disparate claims. But even a cursory exploration of the site would quickly prove this rule is not strictly enforced. All told, in the years that I’ve been operating this site, I’ve probably only rejected a couple dozen comments (outside of the copious amounts of spam all sites attract), and if I could share them with you, I think you’d understand why.
As for the rest of your comment, it’s been quite some time since I checked, but I don’t believe that any Sandy Hook parents were “VIP” guests at the 2013 Boston Marathon, whatever that means. There was a small group from Newtown that ran in the race that included at least one mom of a surviving child. I believe there was also some sort of commemorative marker at the 26-mile mark. Again, this is all from memory, but I had looked into it before because I, unsurprisingly, had seen some version of this claim previously. Not that it would mean much to me even if every last parent of the victims had the red carpet rolled out for them, as I don’t believe the bombing was staged and, even if it were, it wouldn’t mean Sandy Hook, in turn, had been staged. Another group ran in support of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Does that also mean leukemia doesn’t exist? Come on. It simply doesn’t make sense.
Thanks for the clarification, Murray.
The Boston “bombing” was definitively staged by crisis actors, this has been revealed by the Boston Unbombing documentary and other investigations. I’m a bit surprised you didn’t know this already (please watch the documentary). This can no longer be denied.
The Sandy Hook families were not just running the marathon, they had VIP seats close to the finish line where the staged bombing occurred. Now you wouldn’t invite real victim families to a staged event, but you would invite crisis actor families to a staged event performed by crisis actors.
I think you have done absolutely outstanding work and debunked many false claims. Nevertheless Sandy Hook was most likely staged, too.
I recently heard a radio program where Jim Fetzer stated that he’s been in contact with “participants” in the Sandy Hook event including the person “cast as” Emily Parker and the person “cast as” Victoria Soto who are both “alive and well”. He said they both agree with his research and countless others involved in the drill do as well. They fully support Fetzer because he is right, reports Fetzer. Can you please address this nonsense.
LOL. What is there to address? These are nothing more than outlandish claims made by a known liar. Where’s the proof? “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
I couldn’t believe it either. Listen here to hear it yourself lol.
It’s at 1:02:30
I’d love to further elaborate on how absurd this claim is. If these were indeed roles played by actors, one would have to assume they were paid handsomely and bound by NDAs, right? In fact, I’m pretty sure that NDAs are part of the denier lore. So, we have multiple actors blatantly not just breaking but shattering their NDAs in such a way that there’s a direct, indisputable line back to them (they didn’t even try to do it anonymously?). Oh, and they’re doing so presumably for free, for one of the most notorious Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists on the planet? One with a well-documented diarrhea of the mouth? If the fever dreams of lunatics like Fetzer had even a shred of truth to them, these actors would be willingly signing their own death certificates. And for what? The whole idea is beyond preposterous.
Murray, are my two previous comments still pending or have they been suppressed? I answered to both you and Steve.
I explained that the Sandy Hook parents weren’t just participating in the marathon, they were VIP guests seated near the finish line, where the staged bombing took place. The Boston bombing has been exposed 100% as a staged event, which means Sandy Hook was probably staged, too. You wouldn’t invite real victim relatives to a staged bombing run by crisis actors.
I told Steve he should watch the Boston Unbombing documentary and then apologize to me. Those who still deny the Boston bombing was staged are either fools or shills. Simple as that.
No, Richard. Again, nothing is being suppressed. I promise. This is almost certainly a feature of WordPress. In replying to your previous comment, as opposed to explicitly “approving” it first and then replying to it, you must’ve remained an “unapproved” commenter, meaning subsequent comments went back into moderation. I’m making some assumptions, but that is the most likely scenario. As you are simply repeating points made in previous comments, what reason would I have to suppress you? What would I be suppressing? Use your head.
Okay, why wouldn’t they do that? What is that based on? You state this as if it is a known, established fact, and it is anything but. This is nothing more than wild speculation, and I could just as easily argue that inviting the real victims of a real tragedy would be just the thing your fake tragedy needs to give it some real credibility. That certainly makes much more sense to me.
In reviewing your other allegedly “suppressed” comments, I immediately recognized your source for this claim as one I had already encountered and researched back in May of 2019, from someone making nearly the exact same argument. Like you, they also posted from a New Jersey IP addresses. Coincidence? I’m not so sure, but I’ll copy and paste my response here as well as I stand by it:
Thankfully, the links to the CT Post and Newtown Bee are still active at their original URLs.
Give me a break. This is the exact same thing I was told about James Fetzer’s book, and how did that turn out?
Now please stop derailing the comments section.