Unsurprisingly, I don’t have many positive things to say about serial grifter Wolfgang Halbig, a man who has chosen to spend his golden years spreading egregious lies about the massacre of twenty small children and six adults for profit. But I must admit that I’m legitimately impressed by the man’s zeal for firing off barely comprehensible e-mails, each one dumber than the last, to a large group of recipients who have made it abundantly clear that they have zero interest in hearing his bullshit. He’s been doing it for many, many years at this point, occasionally including me in his very unsolicited mailing list, even though I reply-all to publicly drag him each and every time. While this sort of spam is traditionally an annoyance, I’m actually thrilled that he’s still at, otherwise I’d miss out on absolute gems like his latest bout of binary diarrhea:

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Somehow, some way, there are still people out there who believe the FBI openly admits that the Sandy Hook massacre never occurred. This isn’t something these folks claim happened once or twice by mistake and was quickly swept under the rug forever. No, they believe that this incredible admission of guilt has been public this whole time, posted for all to see on the FBI’s official website. That would be the very same website in which they also include the twenty-seven killed and two wounded during the attack in their Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013:

And that’s only one of over one hundred and fifty references to the shooting on their site, none of which state that it was just a “drill” or that no one died. Go ahead and check.

So of course the claim never made any sense. Why would the FBI, of all people, purposely and continuously expose one of the worst mass shootings in American history – a shooting they themselves responded to and investigated – as a total fraud? And on their very own website, nonetheless, where the tragedy still looms large otherwise. It’s nonsense.

While such absurdities are to be expected from Sandy Hook deniers, what has managed to catch me a bit off guard is how often they leave comments about it here, on this site, as if they’ve finally stumbled upon indisputable, bombshell evidence that I either haven’t seen yet or don’t have an answer for. The reason this is so baffling is because I thoroughly debunked this hooey back in 2016. It’s not even that long an entry! I guess the “do your own research” crowd is just dogshit at doing theirs.

So, for the sake of increased visibility, I’m going to debunk it again, this time in its very own entry. After all, my previous takedown of this particular claim has only ever been published as part of my series on Jim Fetzer’s rancid “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”. And since Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists have proven themselves unwilling or unable to use the site’s search feature (it’s literally the second result when you search “FBI UCR”), maybe they’ve just never seen it. Regardless, it’s long overdue.

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One of the more asinine accusations leveled against me over the years has been that I cherry-pick or even flat-out fabricate silly claims to debunk in order to make Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists look stupid and/or crazy. This has always been complete nonsense as Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists have always done an excellent job of this on their own. Take for instance this excerpt of a very real, very dumb e-mail I recently received from a”Gene McClemore”:

I was wondering if you had seen the crime scene photos of Sandy Hook Elementary where it involves the girls rest room. All the seats were up.

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The claim that Sandy Hook Elementary School’s parking lot was not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as such is further evidence that the school was non-operational in December of 2012 isn’t a new one, but it is relatively minor, which is one of the reasons I haven’t pursued it as doggedly as usual. It’s not that I haven’t tried, it’s just that the experts I’ve reached out to over the years – and I like to try and speak with actual experts whenever possible, rather than speculate wildly – never really bothered to get back to me. But I’ve never stopped looking for definitive answers and now, with some help from the New England ADA Center, I finally have some. My persistence – or ability to profoundly annoy, depending on who are you – finally paid off.

Let’s start by taking a look at the actual claims that have made about the school’s lot by some of the usual suspects…

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This one’s a tad bit late as it actually originates with a comment left all the way back in January. There’s no good reason for the delay in bringing it to the front page, I’ve just been very lazy. Sorry! Anyway, Stew writes:

Sir, can you completely debunk the latest nonsense Fetzer’s peddling here: https://jamesfetzer.org/2019/12/alison-sunny-maynard-j-d-sandy-hook-no-burial-for-the-dead-boy/

Sir? How fancy! Assuredly undeserved but thank you, Stew!

For those of you who would rather not subject yourselves to Jimmy Fetzer’s putrid site, I’ll summarize the nonsense in question:

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In what is very likely to be my final entry in this series (I really can’t imagine, after nearly seven years, that there is much more out there for me to discover), I will be sharing various documents that I’ve found and collected over the years showing Sandy Hook Elementary School to be in continuous operation between 2008 and 2012. While some have already appeared on the site, the majority have not as they’ve just never really fit in anywhere. I have chosen not to share the nearly one hundred issues of the Sandy Hook Connection newsletter in my possession as they are rife with personal information such as the names and e-mail addresses of teachers and volunteers. Large files that may cause performance issues with your browser will be linked for download rather than embedded and sources will be provided when possible.

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While Jim Fetzer has been thoroughly exposed as a shameless fraud more times than anyone cares to count, folks will still occasionally ask me to look into one of his many outrageous lies regarding Sandy Hook. And while I really have to wonder why anyone bothers to pay the guy any mind these days, I’ll always make an effort to accommodate such requests as it is yet another opportunity to demonstrate what a total nitwit the guy is.

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