Whenever I begin to wonder if Wolfgang Halbig has tired from the thrashing I publicly subject him to every time he includes me in one of his absolutely batshit blast emails, he proves that he is somehow even dumber than he seems. Here’s his latest rant, in all its misspelled glory, from just a few days ago::

To those who still care about the truth:

Help me:

What was the temperature at Sandy Hook Fire house on Dec 14, 2012 at 8:00 am?

I never thought that I would find myself in jail for simply asking questions and having an opinion about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

They are worried about my questions which they cannot answer when I requested Freedom of Information Public records which are public records.

To this day they have refused, they will say that they send me documents but they are NOT the ones I requested. That is how they get away with.


  1. Photo one shows the Chadfield Porta POttie compamy from Southbury CT delivering Porta Potiies to the Sandy Hook Fire House.

I duplicated photo one for your viewing with a magnifying glass.


There are NO CT police or FBI SWAT team vehicles that have arrived in light of the school shooting.

Chadfield Porta Pottie company wins the prize for the quickest response to an active shooter.

They even have Porta Potties staged behind the fire trucks at the Sandy Hook Fire department in photo three. You will NOT see the CT State POlice or FBI SWAT team vehicles, you will see bright orange traffic cones reserving t heir parking spaces.

The fourth photo shows Dan Harris from ABC news standing in front of the Chadfield Portie Potties arrival. So, why is ABC news there before the shooting?

The last photo is a clear shot of the bright orange cones showing them reserving parking spaces for the CT and FBI SWAT teams.

It’s worth noting this isn’t the first time Halbig has fixated on the toilet situation at Sandy Hook in the aftermath of the shooting that left twenty children and six adults dead. For instance, chapter three of James Fetzer’s abysmal book, which is essentially a recap of Halbig’s presentation to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Committee, involves multiple mentions of toilet issues as well. The man is obsessed with the john.

While it’s often… challenging to form a coherent, linear narrative from Halbig’s disjointed claims, the gist here is that his beloved portable toilets arrived before a single law enforcement officer, suggesting the possibility that the event was pre-planned, but so poorly executed that nearly everyone, even those playing crucial roles in the farce, somehow missed their cues. Or something. This theory is based solely on a photo that (presumably) Halbig took of a computer monitor displaying a single frame from an already mediocre-quality YouTube video:

Here is a man who believes he has almost single-handedly uncovered one of the largest government conspiracies in modern history, and yet he doesn’t know how to take screenshots. Still.

While Halbig’s photo is crooked, much like the man himself, the title of the video is still perfectly readable, so I easily found it on YouTube:

The nearly four-hour video from Myrtle Beach’s ABC affiliate, WPDE 15, aired live on the day of the shooting, consists mostly of helicopter footage interspersed with the usual talking heads, interviews, B-roll from earlier in the day, etc. The scene shown in Halbig’s photo appears at approximately 16:38. I’m not sure what he thinks all those cars parked along Riverside Road are, if not responding officers, but watching the video makes it abundantly clear that there are quite a few of them already on the scene. Here’s a screenshot showing the porta-potty truck surrounded by at least eight patrol cars:

You can even make out their light bars! These are the same ubiquitous silver Ford Crown Victorias seen all over the scene in many other photos:

What does Halbig think these vehicles are, if not police cruisers? Does he believe that there just happens to be a large number of civilians driving around Newtown in silver Crown Vics with light bars, haphazardly parking along Riverside Road for some reason? It’s utterly baffling.

Additionally, in tighter shots, you can see there’s a marked Monroe police cruiser about fifty feet behind the porta-potty transport:

As for the FBI, at approximately 7:49 of the WPDE 15 video, which is about nine minutes before the moment captured in Halbig’s photo, there’s a tight shot of the front of the firehouse from before the porta-potties arrive where you can clearly see at least four of the black trucks that agents arrived in:

You can see these exact vehicles, in the exact spots, surrounded by agents, in the following photo:

The claim that the porta-potty truck arrived before any law enforcement is demonstrably and egregiously false; something immediately obvious to anyone with eyes and the few seconds it takes to watch a publicly accessible YouTube video. This also makes the claim about Dan Harris completely irrelevant. After all, if police and FBI were there before the porta-potty truck, then it doesn’t matter if Dan Harris is standing in front of it. But he’s not, and this is Wolfgang Halbig we’re dealing with here, so I’m not going to let him off easy.

Here is the screenshot — a real one, which leads me to believe someone did it for him — Halbig included to support his claim:

Dan, seen in inset in what is commonly referred to as a reporter standup, is standing in front of the firehouse on Riverside Road with absolutely no porta-potties behind him whatsoever, while B-roll taken earlier in the day of three women and a child, none of which are Dan Harris, walking in front of the porta-potty truck is shown. This is from approximately 2:10:30 of the ABC 15 video and if one were to actually watch it, it’s quite clear what’s happening, especially once you realize that these women would’ve walked directly behind Dan and into his shot if they had been filmed at the same time, which they absolutely were not. This is further evidenced by the fact that this exact clip of these exact women doing the same exact thing is shown multiple times throughout the broadcast, including at approximately 1:50:10, 1:52:24, and probably a few more times as well. Lastly, when they cut to a wide shot of Dan in this location about thirty seconds later, at 2:11:06, you can see there is a firetruck parked across several spaces in front of the firehouse, exactly where the porta-potty truck would’ve been:

Is Halbig truly ignorant of what’s happening, or is he just being dishonest?

He also claims Dan arrives “before the shooting” yet in shots from earlier in the broadcast — 29:35, to be precise — he can be seen standing directly in front of the police cars Halbig claimed were not there before the porta-potties:

The math just ain’t mathin’, as they say.

Lastly, we know exactly where those two porta-potties were eventually installed in front of the firehouse, based on numerous photos, including this screenshot of Dan Harris in front of the firehouse on the evening of the 14th.:

They are between the 1st and 2nd as well as the 2nd and 3rd bays from Dan’s right, or the side of the firehouse facing Dickinson Drive. Yet in footage of some FBI members (including Bill Aldenberg) already leaving the scene, walking back to their vehicles along Riverside Road, we can see that there are no porta-potties in the above locations:

How is that possible if the truck arrived before police and FBI? Could it be that, much like his precious porta-potties, Wolfgang Halbig is just full of shit?

Now who’s going to break it to “Chadfield Porta Pottie” that their “quickest response to an active shooter prize” has been rescinded?

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4) Requests for photos of dead children. See above. And then seek professional help, because you're fucked up. These items are unavailable to the public; exempt from FOIA requests; and in violation of Amendment 14 of the US Constitution, Article 1 Section 8b of the Connecticut State Constriction, and Connecticut Public Act # 13-311.
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